6 Ways Communication Needs to Change

6 Ways Communication Needs to Change

By Donna Weston- Executive Coach  How effective is your team communication in a hybrid world? As an executive coach working with organisations and individuals, what I hear from clients is that, overall, they are delighted with the opportunity to have the best of both...
5 ways that leaders can transform uncertainty into opportunity

5 ways that leaders can transform uncertainty into opportunity

Many of the leaders I’ve been coaching have talked about feeling an extra layer of anxiety in themselves and in their teams due to such turbulent times both externally and internally within their organisation. In order to thrive in a constantly changing environment we...
The secret to a successful career

The secret to a successful career

By Donna Weston – Career Coach Many of my clients are going through the process of assessing what is really important to them in life right now, triggered by the start of a new year and their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. They talk about each of the...
Giving, receiving and asking for feedback

Giving, receiving and asking for feedback

How do you effectively give, receive and ask for feedback ? Respond rather than react We are human and when someone gives us critical feedback it may trigger our fight, flight fright  response. We’ve all made the mistake of angrily tapping away a ‘reaction’ to an...
How To Make That Change

How To Make That Change

Have you got a change to make? Some people embrace the ‘September is the new January’ approach with promises to get fit, take up a hobby, get that promotion, or a career change. But even after any ‘back to school’ relief, let’s face it change is hard! We make excuses,...